Synthetic quasi coherence

All the mathematics presented here, is from Ingo Blechschmidt’s thesis or unpublished work of David Jaz Myers. The formalization in Agda is due to Felix Cherubini.

Let 𝔸 be a commutative ring, and let us use the same notation as in Spec

module _ (𝔸asRing : CommRing {}) where
  open SpecExamples 𝔸asRing

For any algebra R over 𝔸, there is a map from R to 𝔸-valued functions on Spec R:

  evMap : (R : 𝔸-Alg)  CommAlgebra.Carrier R  (Spec R  𝔸′)
  evMap _ r = λ f  ( f) r

This is also a homomorphism of rings. To make that statement, we have to define a ring structure on the 𝔸-valued functions. Let us first construct the pointwise ring structure in general:

  pointwiseRingStructure : (X : Type ) (R : CommRing {})  CommRing {}
  pointwiseRingStructure X R =
    let open CommRingStr (snd R)
        isSetX→R = isOfHLevelΠ 2  _  isSetCommRing R)
    in (X  fst R) ,
          _  0r)  _  1r)
          f g   x  f x + g x))
          f g   x  f x · g x))
          f   x  - f x))
            f g h i x  +Assoc (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
            f i x  +Rid (f x) i)
            f i x  +Rinv (f x) i)
            f g i x  +Comm (f x) (g x) i)
            f g h i x  ·Assoc (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
            f i x  ·Rid (f x) i)
            f g h i x  ·Rdist+ (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
           λ f g i x  ·-comm (f x) (g x) i))

This can be extended to an algebra structure:

  pointwiseAlgebra :  {R : CommRing {}} (X : Type ) (A : CommAlgebra R)  CommAlgebra R
  pointwiseAlgebra X A =
    let open CommAlgebra A
        isSetX→A = isOfHLevelΠ 2  _  isSetCommRing (CommAlgebra→CommRing A))
    in commalgebra (X  CommAlgebra.Carrier A)
       _  0a)  _  1a)
       f g   x  f x + g x))
       f g   x  f x · g x))
       f   x  - f x))
       r f   x  CommAlgebra._⋆_ A r (f x)))
      (makeIsCommAlgebra isSetX→A
          f g h i x  +-assoc (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
          f i x  +-rid (f x) i)  f i x  +-rinv (f x) i)
          f g i x  +-comm (f x) (g x) i)
          f g h i x  ·Assoc (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
          f i x  ·Lid (f x) i)
          f g h i x  ·Ldist+ (f x) (g x) (h x) i)
          f g i x  ·-comm (f x) (g x) i)
          r s f i x  ⋆-assoc r s (f x) i)
          r s f i x  ⋆-ldist r s (f x) i)
          r f g i x  ⋆-rdist r (f x) (g x) i)
          f i x  ⋆-lid (f x) i)
         λ r f g i x  ⋆-lassoc r (f x) (g x) i)

Now let us refer to the commutative ring of 𝔸-valued functions on a type X with ‘𝒪′ X’:

  𝒪′ : (X : Type )  CommRing {}
  𝒪′ X = pointwiseRingStructure X 𝔸asRing

And the algbera with ‘𝒪 X’:

  𝒪 : (X : Type )  𝔸-Alg
  𝒪 X = pointwiseAlgebra X 𝔸

Going back to where we started, we can now show that the evaluation map is a homorphism of 𝔸-algberas:

  ev : {R : 𝔸-Alg}  Hom R (𝒪 (Spec R))
  ev {R = R} =
      open CommAlgebra ⦃...⦄
        _ : 𝔸-Alg
        _ = 𝔸
        _ : 𝔸-Alg
        _ = R
    in algebrahom
         (evMap R)
                 r s i  λ {(algebrahom f +Hom _ _ _)
                      (f (r + s) ≡⟨ +Hom _ _  f r + f s ) i})
                 r s i  λ {(algebrahom f _ ·Hom _ _)
                      (f (r · s) ≡⟨ ·Hom _ _  f r · f s ) i})
                 i  λ {(algebrahom f _ _ pres1 _)
                      (f 1a ≡⟨ pres1  1a ) i})
                λ r x i  λ {(algebrahom f +Hom _ _ ⋆Comm)
                                 (f (CommAlgebra._⋆_ R r x)
                    ≡⟨ ⋆Comm _ _  CommAlgebra._⋆_ 𝔸 r (f x) ) i}