{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --no-import-sorts #-}

module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FreeCommAlgebra where
  The free commutative algebra over a commutative ring,
  or in other words the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a given ring.
  Note that this is a constructive definition, which entails that polynomials
  cannot be represented by lists of coefficients, where the last one is non-zero.
  For rings with decidable equality, that is still possible.

  I learned about this (and other) definition(s) from David Jaz Myers.
  You can watch him talk about these things here:

  This file contains
  * the definition of the free commutative algebra on a type I over a commutative ring R as a HIT
    (let us call that R[I])
  * a prove that the construction is an commutative R-algebra
  * definitions of the induced maps appearing in the universal property of R[I],
    that is:  * for any map I → A, where A is a commutative R-algebra,
                the induced algebra homomorphism R[I] → A
              * for any hom R[I] → A, the 'restricttion to variables' I → A
  * a proof that the two constructions are inverse to each other
    ('homRetrievable' and 'mapRetrievable')
  * a proof, that the corresponding pointwise equivalence of functors is natural
    ('naturalR', 'naturalL')
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function hiding (const)

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring        using ()
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Morphism
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra     hiding (⟨_⟩a)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation

     ℓ′ : Level

module Construction (R : CommRing {}) where
  open CommRingStr (snd R) using (1r; 0r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·r_)

  data R[_] (I : Type ℓ′) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ′) where
    var : I  R[ I ]
    const :  R   R[ I ]
    _+_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]  R[ I ]
    -_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]
    _·_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]  R[ I ]            -- \cdot

    +-assoc : (x y z : R[ I ])  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z
    +-rid : (x : R[ I ])  x + (const 0r)  x
    +-rinv : (x : R[ I ])  x + (- x)  (const 0r)
    +-comm : (x y : R[ I ])  x + y  y + x

    ·-assoc : (x y z : R[ I ])  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z
    ·-lid : (x : R[ I ])  (const 1r) · x  x
    ·-comm : (x y : R[ I ])  x · y  y · x

    ldist : (x y z : R[ I ])  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z)

    +HomConst : (s t :  R )  const (s +r t)  const s + const t
    ·HomConst : (s t :  R )  const (s ·r t)  (const s) · (const t)

    0-trunc : (x y : R[ I ]) (p q : x  y)  p  q

  _⋆_ : {I : Type ℓ′}   R   R[ I ]  R[ I ]
  r  x = const r · x

  ⋆-assoc : {I : Type ℓ′}  (s t :  R ) (x : R[ I ])  (s ·r t)  x  s  (t  x)
  ⋆-assoc s t x = const (s ·r t) · x       ≡⟨ cong  u  u · x) (·HomConst _ _) 
                  (const s · const t) · x  ≡⟨ sym (·-assoc _ _ _) 
                  const s · (const t · x)  ≡⟨ refl 
                  s  (t  x) 

  ⋆-ldist-+ : {I : Type ℓ′}  (s t :  R ) (x : R[ I ])  (s +r t)  x  (s  x) + (t  x)
  ⋆-ldist-+ s t x = (s +r t)  x             ≡⟨ cong  u  u · x) (+HomConst _ _) 
                    (const s + const t) · x  ≡⟨ ldist _ _ _ 
                    (s  x) + (t  x) 

  ⋆-rdist-+ : {I : Type ℓ′}  (s :  R ) (x y : R[ I ])  s  (x + y)  (s  x) + (s  y)
  ⋆-rdist-+ s x y = const s · (x + y)             ≡⟨ ·-comm _ _ 
                    (x + y) · const s             ≡⟨ ldist _ _ _ 
                    (x · const s) + (y · const s) ≡⟨ cong  u  u + (y · const s)) (·-comm _ _) 
                    (s  x) + (y · const s)       ≡⟨ cong  u  (s  x) + u) (·-comm _ _)  
                    (s  x) + (s  y) 

  ⋆-assoc-· : {I : Type ℓ′}  (s :  R ) (x y : R[ I ])  (s  x) · y  s  (x · y)
  ⋆-assoc-· s x y = (s  x) · y ≡⟨ sym (·-assoc _ _ _) 
                    s  (x · y) 

  0a : {I : Type ℓ′}  R[ I ]
  0a = (const 0r)

  1a : {I : Type ℓ′}  R[ I ]
  1a = (const 1r)

  isCommAlgebra : {I : Type }  IsCommAlgebra
                                   R {A = R[ I ]}
                                   0a 1a
                                   _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
  isCommAlgebra = makeIsCommAlgebra 0-trunc
                                    +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm
                                    ·-assoc ·-lid ldist ·-comm
                                    ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist-+ ⋆-rdist-+ ·-lid ⋆-assoc-·

_[_] : (R : CommRing {}) (I : Type )  CommAlgebra R
R [ I ] = let open Construction R
          in commalgebra R[ I ] 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_ isCommAlgebra

module Theory {R : CommRing {}} {I : Type } where
  open CommRingStr (snd R)
         using (0r; 1r)
         renaming (_·_ to _·r_; _+_ to _+r_; ·-comm to ·r-comm; ·Rid to ·r-rid)

  module _ (A : CommAlgebra R) (φ : I   A ⟩a) where
    open CommAlgebra A
    open AlgebraTheory (CommRing→Ring R) (CommAlgebra→Algebra A)
    open Construction using (var; const) renaming (_+_ to _+c_; -_ to -c_; _·_ to _·c_)

    imageOf0Works : 0r  1a  0a
    imageOf0Works = 0-actsNullifying 1a

    imageOf1Works : 1r  1a  1a
    imageOf1Works = ⋆-lid 1a

    inducedMap :  R [ I ] ⟩a   A ⟩a
    inducedMap (var x) = φ x
    inducedMap (const r) = r  1a
    inducedMap (P +c Q) = (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap Q)
    inducedMap (-c P) = - inducedMap P
    inducedMap (Construction.+-assoc P Q S i) = +-assoc (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
    inducedMap (Construction.+-rid P i) =
        eq : (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap (const 0r))  (inducedMap P)
        eq = (inducedMap P) + (inducedMap (const 0r)) ≡⟨ refl 
             (inducedMap P) + (0r  1a)               ≡⟨ cong
                                                          u  (inducedMap P) + u)
             (inducedMap P) + 0a                      ≡⟨ +-rid _ 
             (inducedMap P) 
      in eq i
    inducedMap (Construction.+-rinv P i) =
      let eq : (inducedMap P - inducedMap P)  (inducedMap (const 0r))
          eq = (inducedMap P - inducedMap P) ≡⟨ +-rinv _ 
               0a                            ≡⟨ sym imageOf0Works 
               (inducedMap (const 0r))
      in eq i
    inducedMap (Construction.+-comm P Q i) = +-comm (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) i
    inducedMap (P ·c Q) = inducedMap P · inducedMap Q
    inducedMap (Construction.·-assoc P Q S i) = ·Assoc (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
    inducedMap (Construction.·-lid P i) =
      let eq = inducedMap (const 1r) · inducedMap P ≡⟨ cong  u  u · inducedMap P) imageOf1Works 
               1a · inducedMap P                    ≡⟨ ·Lid (inducedMap P) 
               inducedMap P 
      in eq i
    inducedMap (Construction.·-comm P Q i) = ·-comm (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) i
    inducedMap (Construction.ldist P Q S i) = ·Ldist+ (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (inducedMap S) i
    inducedMap (Construction.+HomConst s t i) = ⋆-ldist s t 1a i
    inducedMap (Construction.·HomConst s t i) =
      let eq = (s ·r t)  1a       ≡⟨ cong  u  u  1a) (·r-comm _ _) 
               (t ·r s)  1a       ≡⟨ ⋆-assoc t s 1a 
               t  (s  1a)        ≡⟨ cong  u  t  u) (sym (·Rid _)) 
               t  ((s  1a) · 1a) ≡⟨ ⋆-rassoc t (s  1a) 1a 
               (s  1a) · (t  1a) 
      in eq i
    inducedMap (Construction.0-trunc P Q p q i j) =
      isSetAlgebra (CommAlgebra→Algebra A) (inducedMap P) (inducedMap Q) (cong _ p) (cong _ q) i j

    inducedHom : CAlgHom (R [ I ]) A
    inducedHom = algebrahom
                    x y  refl)
                    x y  refl)
                   λ r x  (r  1a) · inducedMap x ≡⟨ ⋆-lassoc r 1a (inducedMap x) 
                           r  (1a · inducedMap x) ≡⟨ cong  u  r  u) (·Lid (inducedMap x)) 
                           r  inducedMap x 

  module _ (A : CommAlgebra R) where
    open CommAlgebra A
    open AlgebraTheory (CommRing→Ring R) (CommAlgebra→Algebra A)
    open Construction using (var; const) renaming (_+_ to _+c_; -_ to -c_; _·_ to _·c_)

    Hom = CAlgHom (R [ I ]) A
    open AlgebraHom

    evaluateAt : Hom
                  I   A ⟩a
    evaluateAt (algebrahom f _ _ _ _) x = f (var x)

    mapRetrievable :  (φ : I   A ⟩a)
                      evaluateAt (inducedHom A φ)  φ
    mapRetrievable φ = refl

    proveEq :  {X : Type } (isSetX : isSet X) (f g :  R [ I ] ⟩a  X)
               (var-eq : (x : I)  f (var x)  g (var x))
               (const-eq : (r :  R )  f (const r)  g (const r))
               (+-eq : (x y :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  (eq-x : f x  g x)  (eq-y : f y  g y)
                         f (x +c y)  g (x +c y))
               (·-eq : (x y :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  (eq-x : f x  g x)  (eq-y : f y  g y)
                         f (x ·c y)  g (x ·c y))
               (-eq : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  (eq-x : f x  g x)
                         f (-c x)  g (-c x))
               f  g
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (var x) = var-eq x i
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (const x) = const-eq x i
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (x +c y) =
      +-eq x y
            i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
            i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i y)
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (-c x) =
      -eq x ((λ i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)) i
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (x ·c y) =
      ·-eq x y
            i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
            i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i y)
    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.+-assoc x y z j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x +c (y +c z))  g (x +c (y +c z))
        a₀₋ = +-eq _ _ (rec x) (+-eq _ _ (rec y) (rec z))
        a₁₋ : f ((x +c y) +c z)  g ((x +c y) +c z)
        a₁₋ = +-eq _ _ (+-eq _ _ (rec x) (rec y)) (rec z)
        a₋₀ : f (x +c (y +c z))  f ((x +c y) +c z)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.+-assoc x y z)
        a₋₁ : g (x +c (y +c z))  g ((x +c y) +c z)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.+-assoc x y z)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.+-rid x j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x +c (const 0r))  g (x +c (const 0r))
        a₀₋ = +-eq _ _ (rec x) (const-eq 0r)
        a₁₋ : f x  g x
        a₁₋ = rec x
        a₋₀ : f (x +c (const 0r))  f x
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.+-rid x)
        a₋₁ : g (x +c (const 0r))  g x
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.+-rid x)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.+-rinv x j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x +c (-c x))  g (x +c (-c x))
        a₀₋ = +-eq x (-c x) (rec x) (-eq x (rec x))
        a₁₋ : f (const 0r)  g (const 0r)
        a₁₋ = const-eq 0r
        a₋₀ : f (x +c (-c x))  f (const 0r)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.+-rinv x)
        a₋₁ : g (x +c (-c x))  g (const 0r)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.+-rinv x)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.+-comm x y j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x +c y)  g (x +c y)
        a₀₋ = +-eq x y (rec x) (rec y)
        a₁₋ : f (y +c x)  g (y +c x)
        a₁₋ = +-eq y x (rec y) (rec x)
        a₋₀ : f (x +c y)  f (y +c x)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.+-comm x y)
        a₋₁ : g (x +c y)  g (y +c x)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.+-comm x y)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.·-assoc x y z j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x ·c (y ·c z))  g (x ·c (y ·c z))
        a₀₋ = ·-eq _ _ (rec x) (·-eq _ _ (rec y) (rec z))
        a₁₋ : f ((x ·c y) ·c z)  g ((x ·c y) ·c z)
        a₁₋ = ·-eq _ _ (·-eq _ _ (rec x) (rec y)) (rec z)
        a₋₀ : f (x ·c (y ·c z))  f ((x ·c y) ·c z)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.·-assoc x y z)
        a₋₁ : g (x ·c (y ·c z))  g ((x ·c y) ·c z)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.·-assoc x y z)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.·-lid x j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f ((const 1r) ·c x)  g ((const 1r) ·c x)
        a₀₋ = ·-eq _ _ (const-eq 1r) (rec x)
        a₁₋ : f x  g x
        a₁₋ = rec x
        a₋₀ : f ((const 1r) ·c x)  f x
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.·-lid x)
        a₋₁ : g ((const 1r) ·c x)  g x
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.·-lid x)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.·-comm x y j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (x ·c y)  g (x ·c y)
        a₀₋ = ·-eq _ _ (rec x) (rec y)
        a₁₋ : f (y ·c x)  g (y ·c x)
        a₁₋ = ·-eq _ _ (rec y) (rec x)
        a₋₀ : f (x ·c y)  f (y ·c x)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.·-comm x y)
        a₋₁ : g (x ·c y)  g (y ·c x)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.·-comm x y)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.ldist x y z j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f ((x +c y) ·c z)  g ((x +c y) ·c z)
        a₀₋ = ·-eq (x +c y) z
           (+-eq _ _ (rec x) (rec y))
           (rec z)
        a₁₋ : f ((x ·c z) +c (y ·c z))  g ((x ·c z) +c (y ·c z))
        a₁₋ = +-eq _ _ (·-eq _ _ (rec x) (rec z)) (·-eq _ _ (rec y) (rec z))
        a₋₀ : f ((x +c y) ·c z)  f ((x ·c z) +c (y ·c z))
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.ldist x y z)
        a₋₁ : g ((x +c y) ·c z)  g ((x ·c z) +c (y ·c z))
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.ldist x y z)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.+HomConst s t j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (const (s +r t))  g (const (s +r t))
        a₀₋ = const-eq (s +r t)
        a₁₋ : f (const s +c const t)  g (const s +c const t)
        a₁₋ = +-eq _ _ (const-eq s) (const-eq t)
        a₋₀ : f (const (s +r t))  f (const s +c const t)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.+HomConst s t)
        a₋₁ : g (const (s +r t))  g (const s +c const t)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.+HomConst s t)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.·HomConst s t j) =
        rec : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        rec x =  i  proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x)
        a₀₋ : f (const (s ·r t))  g (const (s ·r t))
        a₀₋ = const-eq (s ·r t)
        a₁₋ : f (const s ·c const t)  g (const s ·c const t)
        a₁₋ = ·-eq _ _ (const-eq s) (const-eq t)
        a₋₀ : f (const (s ·r t))  f (const s ·c const t)
        a₋₀ = cong f (Construction.·HomConst s t)
        a₋₁ : g (const (s ·r t))  g (const s ·c const t)
        a₋₁ = cong g (Construction.·HomConst s t)
      in isSet→isSet' isSetX a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁ j i

    proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i (Construction.0-trunc x y p q j k) =
        P : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        P x i = proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x
        Q : (x :  R [ I ] ⟩a)  f x  g x
        Q x i = proveEq isSetX f g var-eq const-eq +-eq ·-eq -eq i x
      in isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2
            z  isProp→isSet (isSetX (f z) (g z))) _ _
           (cong P p)
           (cong Q q)
           (Construction.0-trunc x y p q) j k i

    homRetrievable :  (f : Hom)
                      inducedMap A (evaluateAt f)  AlgebraHom.map f
    homRetrievable f =
        ι = inducedMap A (evaluateAt f)
      in proveEq
          (isSetAlgebra (CommAlgebra→Algebra A))
          (inducedMap A (evaluateAt f))
           x  f $a x)
           x  refl)
           r  r  1a                     ≡⟨ cong  u  r  u) (sym (pres1 f)) 
                 r  (f $a (const 1r))      ≡⟨ sym (comm⋆ f r _) 
                 f $a (const r ·c const 1r) ≡⟨ cong  u  f $a u) (sym (Construction.·HomConst r 1r)) 
                 f $a (const (r ·r 1r))     ≡⟨ cong  u  f $a (const u)) (·r-rid r) 
                 f $a (const r) )

           x y eq-x eq-y 
                ι (x +c y)            ≡⟨ refl 
                (ι x + ι y)           ≡⟨ cong  u  u + ι y) eq-x 
                ((f $a x) + ι y)      ≡⟨
                                       cong  u  (f $a x) + u) eq-y 
                ((f $a x) + (f $a y)) ≡⟨ sym (isHom+ f _ _)  (f $a (x +c y)) )

           x y eq-x eq-y 
             ι (x ·c y)          ≡⟨ refl 
             ι x     · ι y       ≡⟨ cong  u  u · ι y) eq-x 
             (f $a x) · (ι y)    ≡⟨ cong  u  (f $a x) · u) eq-y 
             (f $a x) · (f $a y) ≡⟨ sym (isHom· f _ _) 
             f $a (x ·c y) )
          x eq-x 
             ι (-c x)    ≡⟨ refl 
             - ι x       ≡⟨ cong  u  - u) eq-x 
             - (f $a x)  ≡⟨ sym (isHom- f x) 
             f $a (-c x) )

evaluateAt : {R : CommRing {}} {I : Type } (A : CommAlgebra R)
             (f : CAlgHom (R [ I ]) A)
              (I   A ⟩a)
evaluateAt A f x = f $a (Construction.var x)

inducedHom : {R : CommRing {}} {I : Type } (A : CommAlgebra R)
             (φ : I   A ⟩a)
              CAlgHom (R [ I ]) A
inducedHom A φ = Theory.inducedHom A φ

homMapEq : {R : CommRing {}} {I : Type } (A : CommAlgebra R)
              CAlgHom (R [ I ]) A  (I  (CommAlgebra.Carrier A))
homMapEq A =
      (evaluateAt A)
      (inducedHom A)
       φ  Theory.mapRetrievable A φ)
      λ f  homEq (_ [ _ ]) A
                  _ f
                  λ x i  Theory.homRetrievable A f i x)

module _ {R : CommRing {}} {A B : CommAlgebra R} where
  A′ = CommAlgebra→Algebra A
  B′ = CommAlgebra→Algebra B
  R′ = (CommRing→Ring R)
  ν : AlgebraHom A′ B′  ( A ⟩a   B ⟩a)
  ν (algebrahom f _ _ _ _) = f

    Hom(R[I],A) → (I → A)
         ↓          ↓
    Hom(R[I],B) → (I → B)
  naturalR : {I : Type } (ψ : AlgebraHom A′ B′)
             (f : AlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra (R [ I ])) A′)
              (ν ψ)  evaluateAt A f  evaluateAt B (ψ ∘a f)
  naturalR ψ f = refl

    Hom(R[I],A) → (I → A)
         ↓          ↓
    Hom(R[J],A) → (J → A)
  naturalL : {I J : Type } (φ : J  I)
             (f : AlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra (R [ I ])) A′)
              (evaluateAt A f)  φ
                evaluateAt A (f ∘a (inducedHom (R [ I ])  x  Construction.var (φ x))))
  naturalL φ f = refl