{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --no-import-sorts #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Algebra.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Structures.Axioms
open import Cubical.Structures.Auto
open import Cubical.Structures.Macro
open import Cubical.Algebra.Module
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid

open Iso

     : Level

record IsAlgebra (R : Ring {}) {A : Type }
                 (0a 1a : A) (_+_ _·_ : A  A  A) (-_ : A  A)
                 (_⋆_ :  R   A  A) : Type  where

  constructor isalgebra

  open RingStr (snd R) using (1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·r_)

    isLeftModule : IsLeftModule R 0a _+_ -_ _⋆_
    ·-isMonoid  : IsMonoid 1a _·_
    dist        : (x y z : A)  (x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
                              × ((x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))
    ⋆-lassoc     : (r :  R ) (x y : A)  (r  x) · y  r  (x · y)
    ⋆-rassoc     : (r :  R ) (x y : A)  r  (x · y)  x · (r  y)

  open IsLeftModule isLeftModule public

  isRing : IsRing _ _ _ _ _
  isRing = isring (IsLeftModule.+-isAbGroup isLeftModule) ·-isMonoid dist
  open IsRing isRing public hiding (_-_; +Assoc; +Lid; +Linv; +Rid; +Rinv; +Comm)

record Algebra (R : Ring {}) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

  constructor algebra

    Carrier        : Type 
    0a             : Carrier
    1a             : Carrier
    _+_            : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _·_            : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    -_             : Carrier  Carrier
    _⋆_            :  R   Carrier  Carrier
    isAlgebra      : IsAlgebra R 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_

  open IsAlgebra isAlgebra public

module commonExtractors {R : Ring {}} where
  ⟨_⟩a : Algebra R  Type 
  ⟨_⟩a = Algebra.Carrier

  Algebra→Module : (A : Algebra R)  LeftModule R
  Algebra→Module (algebra A _ _ _ _ _ _ (isalgebra isLeftModule _ _ _ _)) =
    leftmodule A _ _ _ _ isLeftModule

  Algebra→Ring : (A : Algebra R)  Ring {}
  Algebra→Ring A = _ , ringstr _ _ _ _ _ (IsAlgebra.isRing (Algebra.isAlgebra A))

  Algebra→AbGroup : (A : Algebra R)  AbGroup {}
  Algebra→AbGroup A = LeftModule→AbGroup (Algebra→Module A)

  Algebra→Monoid : (A : Algebra R)  Monoid {}
  Algebra→Monoid A = Ring→Monoid (Algebra→Ring A)

  isSetAlgebra : (A : Algebra R)  isSet  A ⟩a
  isSetAlgebra A = isSetAbGroup (Algebra→AbGroup A)

  open RingStr (snd R) using (1r; ·Ldist+) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·s_)

  makeIsAlgebra : {A : Type } {0a 1a : A}
                  {_+_ _·_ : A  A  A} { -_ : A  A} {_⋆_ :  R   A  A}
                  (isSet-A : isSet A)
                  (+-assoc :  (x y z : A)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
                  (+-rid : (x : A)  x + 0a  x)
                  (+-rinv : (x : A)  x + (- x)  0a)
                  (+-comm : (x y : A)  x + y  y + x)
                  (·-assoc :  (x y z : A)  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z)
                  (·-rid : (x : A)  x · 1a  x)
                  (·-lid : (x : A)  1a · x  x)
                  (·-rdist-+ : (x y z : A)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
                  (·-ldist-+ : (x y z : A)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))
                  (⋆-assoc : (r s :  R ) (x : A)  (r ·s s)  x  r  (s  x))
                  (⋆-ldist : (r s :  R ) (x : A)  (r +r s)  x  (r  x) + (s  x))
                  (⋆-rdist : (r :  R ) (x y : A)  r  (x + y)  (r  x) + (r  y))
                  (⋆-lid   : (x : A)  1r  x  x)
                  (⋆-lassoc : (r :  R ) (x y : A)  (r  x) · y  r  (x · y))
                  (⋆-rassoc : (r :  R ) (x y : A)  r  (x · y)  x · (r  y))
                 IsAlgebra R 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
  makeIsAlgebra isSet-A
                +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm
                ·-assoc ·-rid ·-lid ·-rdist-+ ·-ldist-+
                ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid ⋆-lassoc ⋆-rassoc =
                  (makeIsLeftModule isSet-A
                                    +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm
                                    ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid)
                  (makeIsMonoid isSet-A ·-assoc ·-rid ·-lid)
                   x y z  ·-rdist-+ x y z , ·-ldist-+ x y z)
                  ⋆-lassoc ⋆-rassoc

open commonExtractors public

record AlgebraEquiv {R : Ring {}} (A B : Algebra R) : Type  where

  constructor algebraiso

    _ : Algebra R
    _ = A
    _ : Algebra R
    _ = B

  open Algebra {{...}}

    e      :  A ⟩a   B ⟩a
    isHom+ : (x y :  A ⟩a)  equivFun e (x + y)  equivFun e x + equivFun e y
    isHom· : (x y :  A ⟩a)  equivFun e (x · y)  equivFun e x · equivFun e y
    pres1  : equivFun e 1a  1a
    comm⋆  : (r :  R ) (x :  A ⟩a)  equivFun e (r  x)  r  equivFun e x

record AlgebraHom {R : Ring {}} (A B : Algebra R) : Type  where

  constructor algebrahom

      _ : Algebra R
      _ = A
      _ : Algebra R
      _ = B

  open Algebra {{...}}

    map      :  A ⟩a   B ⟩a
    isHom+ : (x y :  A ⟩a)  map (x + y)  map x + map y
    isHom· : (x y :  A ⟩a)  map (x · y)  map x · map y
    pres1  : map 1a  1a
    comm⋆  : (r :  R ) (x :  A ⟩a)  map (r  x)  r  map x

  pres0 : map 0a  0a
  pres0 = Theory.+Idempotency→0 (Algebra→Ring B) (map 0a)
          (map 0a        ≡⟨ cong map (sym (+-rid _)) 
           map (0a + 0a) ≡⟨ isHom+ _ _ 
           map 0a + map 0a )

  isHom- : (x :  A ⟩a)  map (- x)  - map x
  isHom- x = Theory.implicitInverse (Algebra→Ring B) (map x) (map (- x))
             (map (x) + map (- x)  ≡⟨ sym (isHom+ _ _) 
             map (x - x)         ≡⟨ cong map (+-rinv _) 
             map 0a              ≡⟨ pres0 
             0a )

_$a_ : {R : Ring {}} {A B : Algebra R}  AlgebraHom A B   A ⟩a   B ⟩a
f $a x = AlgebraHom.map f x

_∘a_ : {R : Ring {}} {A B C : Algebra R}
        AlgebraHom B C  AlgebraHom A B  AlgebraHom A C
_∘a_ {} {R} {A} {B} {C}
  (algebrahom f isHom+f isHom·f pres1f comm⋆f)
  (algebrahom g isHom+g isHom·g pres1g comm⋆g)
    open Algebra ⦃...⦄
      _ : Algebra R
      _ = A
      _ : Algebra R
      _ = B
      _ : Algebra R
      _ = C
  in algebrahom (f  g)
     x y  f (g (x + y))      ≡⟨ cong f (isHom+g x y) 
             f (g x + g y)      ≡⟨ isHom+f _ _  
             f (g x) + f (g y)  )
     x y  f (g (x · y))      ≡⟨ cong f (isHom·g x y) 
             f (g x · g y)      ≡⟨ isHom·f _ _  
             f (g x) · f (g y)  )
    (f (g 1a) ≡⟨ cong f pres1g  f 1a ≡⟨ pres1f  1a )
    λ r x  f (g (r  x))  ≡⟨ cong f (comm⋆g _ _) 
            f (r  (g x))  ≡⟨ comm⋆f _ _ 
            r  (f (g x))  

module AlgebraΣTheory (R : Ring {}) where

  RawAlgebraStructure = λ (A : Type )  (A  A  A) × (A  A  A) × A × ( R   A  A)

  RawAlgebraEquivStr = AutoEquivStr RawAlgebraStructure

  rawAlgebraUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr _ RawAlgebraEquivStr
  rawAlgebraUnivalentStr = autoUnivalentStr RawAlgebraStructure

  open RingStr (snd R) using (1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·r_)
  open RingΣTheory
  open LeftModuleΣTheory R
  open MonoidΣTheory

  AlgebraAxioms : (A : Type ) (str : RawAlgebraStructure A)  Type 
  AlgebraAxioms A (_+_ , _·_ , 1a , _⋆_) =
               LeftModuleAxioms A (_+_ , _⋆_)
               × (MonoidAxioms A (1a , _·_))
               × ((x y z : A)  (x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
                              × ((x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z)))
               × ((r :  R ) (x y : A)  (r  x) · y  r  (x · y))
               × ((r :  R ) (x y : A)  r  (x · y)  x · (r  y))

  AlgebraStructure : Type   Type 
  AlgebraStructure = AxiomsStructure RawAlgebraStructure AlgebraAxioms

  AlgebraΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
  AlgebraΣ = TypeWithStr  AlgebraStructure

  AlgebraEquivStr : StrEquiv AlgebraStructure 
  AlgebraEquivStr = AxiomsEquivStr RawAlgebraEquivStr AlgebraAxioms

  isSetAlgebraΣ : (A : AlgebraΣ)  isSet _
  isSetAlgebraΣ (A , _ , (isLeftModule , _ , _) ) = isSetLeftModuleΣ (A , _ , isLeftModule)

  isPropAlgebraAxioms : (A : Type ) (s : RawAlgebraStructure A)
                              isProp (AlgebraAxioms A s)
  isPropAlgebraAxioms A (_+_ , _·_ , 1a , _⋆_) =
    isPropΣ (isPropLeftModuleAxioms A (_+_ , _⋆_))
     isProp× (isPropMonoidAxioms A (1a , _·_))
    (isProp× (isPropΠ3  _ _ _  isProp× ((isSetLeftModuleΣ (A , _ , isLeftModule)) _ _)
                                          ((isSetLeftModuleΣ (A , _ , isLeftModule)) _ _)))
    (isProp× (isPropΠ3  _ _ _  (isSetLeftModuleΣ (A , _ , isLeftModule)) _ _))
             (isPropΠ3  _ _ _  (isSetLeftModuleΣ (A , _ , isLeftModule)) _ _)))))

  Algebra→AlgebraΣ : Algebra R  AlgebraΣ
  Algebra→AlgebraΣ (algebra A 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
                            (isalgebra isLeftModule isMonoid dist ⋆-lassoc ⋆-rassoc)) =
    A , (_+_ , _·_ , 1a , _⋆_) ,
    (LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ (leftmodule A _ _ _ _ isLeftModule) .snd .snd) ,
    Monoid→MonoidΣ (monoid A _ _ isMonoid) .snd .snd ,
    dist ,
    ⋆-lassoc ,

  AlgebraΣ→Algebra : AlgebraΣ  Algebra R
  AlgebraΣ→Algebra (A , (_+_ , _·_ , 1a , _⋆_) , isLeftModule , isMonoid , dist , lassoc , rassoc) =
    algebra A _ 1a _+_ _·_ _ _⋆_
    (isalgebra (LeftModule.isLeftModule (LeftModuleΣ→LeftModule (A , (_ , isLeftModule))))
               (MonoidStr.isMonoid (MonoidΣ→Monoid (A , (_ , isMonoid)) .snd))
               dist lassoc rassoc)

  AlgebraIsoAlgebraΣ : Iso (Algebra R) AlgebraΣ
  AlgebraIsoAlgebraΣ = iso Algebra→AlgebraΣ AlgebraΣ→Algebra  _  refl)  _  refl)

  algebraUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr AlgebraStructure AlgebraEquivStr
  algebraUnivalentStr = axiomsUnivalentStr _ isPropAlgebraAxioms rawAlgebraUnivalentStr

  AlgebraΣPath : (M N : AlgebraΣ)  (M ≃[ AlgebraEquivStr ] N)  (M  N)
  AlgebraΣPath = SIP algebraUnivalentStr

  AlgebraEquivΣ : (M N : Algebra R)  Type 
  AlgebraEquivΣ M N = Algebra→AlgebraΣ M ≃[ AlgebraEquivStr ] Algebra→AlgebraΣ N

  AlgebraEquivΣPath : {M N : Algebra R}  Iso (AlgebraEquiv M N) (AlgebraEquivΣ M N)
  fun AlgebraEquivΣPath (algebraiso e isHom+ isHom· pres1 comm⋆) =
    e , isHom+ , (isHom· , (pres1 , comm⋆))
  inv AlgebraEquivΣPath (f , isHom+ , isHom· , pres1 , comm⋆) =
    algebraiso f isHom+ isHom· pres1 comm⋆
  rightInv AlgebraEquivΣPath _ = refl
  leftInv AlgebraEquivΣPath _ = refl

  AlgebraPath : (M N : Algebra R)  (AlgebraEquiv M N)  (M  N)
  AlgebraPath M N =
    AlgebraEquiv M N                                    ≃⟨ isoToEquiv AlgebraEquivΣPath 
    AlgebraEquivΣ M N                                   ≃⟨ AlgebraΣPath _ _ 
    Algebra→AlgebraΣ M  Algebra→AlgebraΣ N             ≃⟨ isoToEquiv
    M  N 

AlgebraPath : {R : Ring {}} (M N : Algebra R)  (AlgebraEquiv M N)  (M  N)
AlgebraPath {} {R} = AlgebraΣTheory.AlgebraPath R

module AlgebraTheory (R : Ring {}) (A : Algebra R) where
  open RingStr (snd R) renaming (_+_ to _+r_)
  open Algebra A

  0-actsNullifying : (x :  A ⟩a)  0r  x  0a
  0-actsNullifying x =
    let idempotent-+ = 0r  x              ≡⟨ cong  u  u  x) (sym (Theory.0Idempotent R)) 
                       (0r +r 0r)  x      ≡⟨ ⋆-ldist 0r 0r x 
                       (0r  x) + (0r  x) 
    in Theory.+Idempotency→0 (Algebra→Ring A) (0r  x) idempotent-+