{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --no-import-sorts #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Module.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Structures.Axioms
open import Cubical.Structures.Auto
open import Cubical.Structures.Macro
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group

open Iso

     : Level

record IsLeftModule (R : Ring {}) {M : Type }
              (0m : M)
              (_+_ : M  M  M)
              (-_ : M  M)
              (_⋆_ :  R   M  M) : Type  where

  constructor ismodule

  open RingStr (snd R) using (_·_; 1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_)

    +-isAbGroup : IsAbGroup 0m _+_ -_
    ⋆-assoc : (r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r · s)  x  r  (s  x)
    ⋆-ldist : (r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r +r s)  x  (r  x) + (s  x)
    ⋆-rdist : (r :  R ) (x y : M)  r  (x + y)  (r  x) + (r  y)
    ⋆-lid   : (x : M)  1r  x  x

  open IsAbGroup +-isAbGroup public
    ( assoc       to +-assoc
    ; identity    to +-identity
    ; lid         to +-lid
    ; rid         to +-rid
    ; inverse     to +-inv
    ; invl        to +-linv
    ; invr        to +-rinv
    ; comm        to +-comm
    ; isSemigroup to +-isSemigroup
    ; isMonoid    to +-isMonoid
    ; isGroup     to +-isGroup

record LeftModule (R : Ring {}) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

  constructor leftmodule

    Carrier        : Type 
    0m             : Carrier
    _+_            : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    -_             : Carrier  Carrier
    _⋆_            :  R   Carrier  Carrier
    isLeftModule   : IsLeftModule R 0m _+_ -_ _⋆_

  open IsLeftModule isLeftModule public

module _ {R : Ring {}} where

  ⟨_⟩m : LeftModule R  Type 
   x ⟩m = LeftModule.Carrier x

  LeftModule→AbGroup : (M : LeftModule R)  AbGroup {}
  LeftModule→AbGroup (leftmodule _ _ _ _ _ isLeftModule) =
                     _ , abgroupstr _ _ _ (IsLeftModule.+-isAbGroup isLeftModule)

  isSetLeftModule : (M : LeftModule R)  isSet  M ⟩m
  isSetLeftModule M = isSetAbGroup (LeftModule→AbGroup M)

  open RingStr (snd R) using (1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·s_)

  makeIsLeftModule : {M : Type } {0m : M}
                  {_+_ : M  M  M} { -_ : M  M} {_⋆_ :  R   M  M}
                  (isSet-M : isSet M)
                  (+-assoc :  (x y z : M)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
                  (+-rid : (x : M)  x + 0m  x)
                  (+-rinv : (x : M)  x + (- x)  0m)
                  (+-comm : (x y : M)  x + y  y + x)
                  (⋆-assoc : (r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r ·s s)  x  r  (s  x))
                  (⋆-ldist : (r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r +r s)  x  (r  x) + (s  x))
                  (⋆-rdist : (r :  R ) (x y : M)  r  (x + y)  (r  x) + (r  y))
                  (⋆-lid   : (x : M)  1r  x  x)
                 IsLeftModule R 0m _+_ -_ _⋆_
  makeIsLeftModule isSet-M
                +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm
                ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid =
                ismodule (makeIsAbGroup isSet-M +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm)
                         ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid

record LeftModuleEquiv {R : Ring {}} (M N : LeftModule R) : Type  where

  constructor moduleiso

      _ : LeftModule R
      _ = M
      _ : LeftModule R
      _ = N

  open LeftModule {{...}}

    e :  M ⟩m   N ⟩m
    isHom+ : (x y :  M ⟩m)  equivFun e (x + y)  equivFun e x + equivFun e y
    comm⋆ : (r :  R ) (x :  M ⟩m)  equivFun e (r  x)  r  equivFun e x

module LeftModuleΣTheory (R : Ring {}) where

  RawLeftModuleStructure = λ (M : Type )  (M  M  M) × ( R   M  M)

  RawLeftModuleEquivStr = AutoEquivStr RawLeftModuleStructure

  rawLeftModuleUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr _ RawLeftModuleEquivStr
  rawLeftModuleUnivalentStr = autoUnivalentStr RawLeftModuleStructure

  open RingStr (snd R) using (_·_; 1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_)

  LeftModuleAxioms : (M : Type ) (s : RawLeftModuleStructure M)  Type 
  LeftModuleAxioms M (_+_ , _⋆_) = AbGroupΣTheory.AbGroupAxioms M _+_
                                    × ((r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r · s)  x  r  (s  x))
                                    × ((r s :  R ) (x : M)  (r +r s)  x  (r  x) + (s  x))
                                    × ((r :  R ) (x y : M)  r  (x + y)  (r  x) + (r  y))
                                    × ((x : M)  1r  x  x)

  LeftModuleStructure : Type   Type 
  LeftModuleStructure = AxiomsStructure RawLeftModuleStructure LeftModuleAxioms

  LeftModuleΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
  LeftModuleΣ = TypeWithStr  LeftModuleStructure

  LeftModuleEquivStr : StrEquiv LeftModuleStructure 
  LeftModuleEquivStr = AxiomsEquivStr RawLeftModuleEquivStr LeftModuleAxioms

  open AbGroupΣTheory using (isSetAbGroupΣ)

  isSetLeftModuleΣ : (M : LeftModuleΣ)   isSet _
  isSetLeftModuleΣ (M , (_+_ , _) , (isAbGroup-M , _)) = isSetAbGroupΣ (M , _+_ , isAbGroup-M)

  isPropLeftModuleAxioms : (M : Type ) (s : RawLeftModuleStructure M)
                              isProp (LeftModuleAxioms M s)
  isPropLeftModuleAxioms M (_+_ , _⋆_) =
     isPropΣ (AbGroupΣTheory.isPropAbGroupAxioms M _+_)
             λ isAbGroup-M 
             isProp× (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  (isSetAbGroupΣ (M , _+_ , isAbGroup-M)) _ _)
            (isProp× (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  (isSetAbGroupΣ (M , _+_ , isAbGroup-M)) _ _)
            (isProp× (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  (isSetAbGroupΣ (M , _+_ , isAbGroup-M)) _ _)
                     (isPropΠ  λ _      (isSetAbGroupΣ (M , _+_ , isAbGroup-M)) _ _)))

  LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ : LeftModule R  LeftModuleΣ
    (leftmodule M 0m _+_ -_ _⋆_ (ismodule +-isAbGroup ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid)) =
    M , (_+_ , _⋆_) ,
    AbGroupΣTheory.AbGroup→AbGroupΣ (_ , abgroupstr _ _ _ +-isAbGroup) .snd .snd ,
    ⋆-assoc , ⋆-ldist , ⋆-rdist , ⋆-lid

  LeftModuleΣ→LeftModule : LeftModuleΣ  LeftModule R
  LeftModuleΣ→LeftModule (M , (_+_ , _⋆_) , isAbGroup-M , ⋆-assoc , ⋆-ldist , ⋆-rdist , ⋆-lid) =
    let isAbGroup = AbGroupΣTheory.AbGroupΣ→AbGroup (_ , _ , isAbGroup-M ) .snd .AbGroupStr.isAbGroup
    in leftmodule M _ _+_ _ _⋆_
       (ismodule isAbGroup ⋆-assoc ⋆-ldist ⋆-rdist ⋆-lid)

  LeftModuleIsoLeftModuleΣ : Iso (LeftModule R) LeftModuleΣ
  LeftModuleIsoLeftModuleΣ = iso LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ LeftModuleΣ→LeftModule
                                  _  refl)  _  refl)

  leftModuleUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr LeftModuleStructure LeftModuleEquivStr
  leftModuleUnivalentStr = axiomsUnivalentStr _ isPropLeftModuleAxioms rawLeftModuleUnivalentStr

  LeftModuleΣPath : (M N : LeftModuleΣ)  (M ≃[ LeftModuleEquivStr ] N)  (M  N)
  LeftModuleΣPath = SIP leftModuleUnivalentStr

  LeftModuleEquivStrΣ : (M N : LeftModule R)  Type 
  LeftModuleEquivStrΣ M N = LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ M ≃[ LeftModuleEquivStr ] LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ N

  LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath : {M N : LeftModule R}  Iso (LeftModuleEquiv M N) (LeftModuleEquivStrΣ M N)
  fun LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath (moduleiso e isHom+ comm⋆) = e , isHom+ , comm⋆
  inv LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath (e , isHom+ , comm⋆) = moduleiso e isHom+ comm⋆
  rightInv LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath _ = refl
  leftInv LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath _ = refl

  LeftModulePath : (M N : LeftModule R)  (LeftModuleEquiv M N)  (M  N)
  LeftModulePath M N =
    LeftModuleEquiv M N                                    ≃⟨ isoToEquiv LeftModuleEquivStrΣPath 
    LeftModuleEquivStrΣ M N                                   ≃⟨ LeftModuleΣPath _ _ 
    LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ M  LeftModule→LeftModuleΣ N  ≃⟨ isoToEquiv
    M  N 

LeftModulePath : {R : Ring {}} (M N : LeftModule R)  (LeftModuleEquiv M N)  (M  N)
LeftModulePath {} {R} = LeftModuleΣTheory.LeftModulePath R