
Definition of a homogeneous pointed type, and proofs that pi, product, path, and discrete types are homogeneous

Portions of this file adapted from Nicolai Kraus' code here:

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Properties
open import Cubical.Structures.Pointed

isHomogeneous :  {}  Pointed   Type (ℓ-suc )
isHomogeneous {} (A , x) =  y  Path (Pointed ) (A , x) (A , y)

isHomogeneousPi :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B∙ : A  Pointed ℓ'}
                  (∀ a  isHomogeneous (B∙ a))  isHomogeneous (Πᵘ∙ A B∙)
isHomogeneousPi h f i = (∀ a  typ (h a (f a) i)) ,  a  pt (h a (f a) i))

isHomogeneousProd :  { ℓ'} {A∙ : Pointed } {B∙ : Pointed ℓ'}
                    isHomogeneous A∙  isHomogeneous B∙  isHomogeneous (A∙ ×∙ B∙)
isHomogeneousProd hA hB (a , b) i = (typ (hA a i)) × (typ (hB b i)) , (pt (hA a i) , pt (hB b i))

isHomogeneousPath :  {} (A : Type ) {x y : A} (p : x  y)  isHomogeneous ((x  y) , p)
isHomogeneousPath A {x} {y} p q
  = pointed-sip ((x  y) , p) ((x  y) , q) (eqv , compPathr-cancel p q)
  where eqv : (x  y)  (x  y)
        eqv = compPathlEquiv (q  sym p)

module HomogeneousDiscrete {} {A∙ : Pointed } (dA : Discrete (typ A∙)) (y : typ A∙) where

  -- switches pt A∙ with y
  switch : typ A∙  typ A∙
  switch x with dA x (pt A∙)
  ...         | yes _ = y
  ...         | no _ with dA x y
  ...                | yes _  = pt A∙
  ...                | no  _  = x

  switch-ptA∙ : switch (pt A∙)  y
  switch-ptA∙ with dA (pt A∙) (pt A∙)
  ...         | yes _ = refl
  ...         | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p refl)

  switch-idp :  x  switch (switch x)  x
  switch-idp x with dA x (pt A∙)
  switch-idp x | yes p with dA y (pt A∙)
  switch-idp x | yes p | yes q = q  sym p
  switch-idp x | yes p | no  _ with dA y y
  switch-idp x | yes p | no  _ | yes _ = sym p
  switch-idp x | yes p | no  _ | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p refl)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p with dA x y
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | yes p with dA y (pt A∙)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | yes p | yes q = ⊥.rec (¬p (p  q))
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | yes p | no  _ with dA (pt A∙) (pt A∙)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | yes p | no  _ | yes _ = sym p
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | yes p | no  _ | no ¬q = ⊥.rec (¬q refl)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | no ¬q with dA x (pt A∙)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | no ¬q | yes p = ⊥.rec (¬p p)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | no ¬q | no  _ with dA x y
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | no ¬q | no  _ | yes q = ⊥.rec (¬q q)
  switch-idp x | no ¬p | no ¬q | no  _ | no  _ = refl

  switch-eqv : typ A∙  typ A∙
  switch-eqv = isoToEquiv (iso switch switch switch-idp switch-idp)

isHomogeneousDiscrete :  {} {A∙ : Pointed } (dA : Discrete (typ A∙))  isHomogeneous A∙
isHomogeneousDiscrete {} {A∙} dA y
  = pointed-sip (typ A∙ , pt A∙) (typ A∙ , y) (switch-eqv , switch-ptA∙)
  where open HomogeneousDiscrete {} {A∙} dA y