{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Maybe.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Data.Maybe.Base

map-Maybe-id :  {} {A : Type }   m  map-Maybe (idfun A) m  m
map-Maybe-id nothing = refl
map-Maybe-id (just _) = refl

-- Path space of Maybe type
module MaybePath {} {A : Type } where
  Cover : Maybe A  Maybe A  Type 
  Cover nothing  nothing   = Lift Unit
  Cover nothing  (just _)  = Lift 
  Cover (just _) nothing   = Lift 
  Cover (just a) (just a') = a  a'

  reflCode : (c : Maybe A)  Cover c c
  reflCode nothing  = lift tt
  reflCode (just b) = refl

  encode :  c c'  c  c'  Cover c c'
  encode c _ = J  c' _  Cover c c') (reflCode c)

  encodeRefl :  c  encode c c refl  reflCode c
  encodeRefl c = JRefl  c' _  Cover c c') (reflCode c)

  decode :  c c'  Cover c c'  c  c'
  decode nothing  nothing  _ = refl
  decode (just _) (just _) p = cong just p

  decodeRefl :  c  decode c c (reflCode c)  refl
  decodeRefl nothing  = refl
  decodeRefl (just _) = refl

  decodeEncode :  c c'  (p : c  c')  decode c c' (encode c c' p)  p
  decodeEncode c _ =
    J  c' p  decode c c' (encode c c' p)  p)
      (cong (decode c c) (encodeRefl c)  decodeRefl c)

  encodeDecode :  c c'  (d : Cover c c')  encode c c' (decode c c' d)  d
  encodeDecode nothing nothing _ = refl
  encodeDecode (just a) (just a') =
    J  a' p  encode (just a) (just a') (cong just p)  p) (encodeRefl (just a))

  Cover≃Path :  c c'  Cover c c'  (c  c')
  Cover≃Path c c' = isoToEquiv
    (iso (decode c c') (encode c c') (decodeEncode c c') (encodeDecode c c'))

  Cover≡Path :  c c'  Cover c c'  (c  c')
  Cover≡Path c c' = isoToPath
    (iso (decode c c') (encode c c') (decodeEncode c c') (encodeDecode c c'))

  isOfHLevelCover : (n : HLevel)
     isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) A
      c c'  isOfHLevel (suc n) (Cover c c')
  isOfHLevelCover n p nothing  nothing   = isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (isOfHLevelUnit (suc n))
  isOfHLevelCover n p nothing  (just a') = isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isProp⊥)
  isOfHLevelCover n p (just a) nothing   = isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isProp⊥)
  isOfHLevelCover n p (just a) (just a') = p a a'

isOfHLevelMaybe :  {} (n : HLevel) {A : Type }
   isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) A
   isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) (Maybe A)
isOfHLevelMaybe n lA c c' =
  isOfHLevelRetract (suc n)
    (MaybePath.encode c c')
    (MaybePath.decode c c')
    (MaybePath.decodeEncode c c')
    (MaybePath.isOfHLevelCover n lA c c')

    : Level
   A : Type 

fromJust-def : A  Maybe A  A
fromJust-def a nothing = a
fromJust-def _ (just a) = a

just-inj : (x y : A)  just x  just y  x  y
just-inj x _ eq = cong (fromJust-def x) eq

isEmbedding-just : isEmbedding (just {A = A})
isEmbedding-just  w z = MaybePath.Cover≃Path (just w) (just z) .snd

¬nothing≡just :  {x : A}  ¬ (nothing  just x)
¬nothing≡just {A = A} {x = x} p = lower (subst (caseMaybe (Maybe A) (Lift )) p (just x))

¬just≡nothing :  {x : A}  ¬ (just x  nothing)
¬just≡nothing {A = A} {x = x} p = lower (subst (caseMaybe (Lift ) (Maybe A)) p (just x))

isProp-x≡nothing : (x : Maybe A)  isProp (x  nothing)
isProp-x≡nothing nothing x w =
  subst isProp (MaybePath.Cover≡Path nothing nothing) (isOfHLevelLift 1 isPropUnit) x w
isProp-x≡nothing (just _) p _ = ⊥.rec (¬just≡nothing p)

isProp-nothing≡x : (x : Maybe A)  isProp (nothing  x)
isProp-nothing≡x nothing x w =
  subst isProp (MaybePath.Cover≡Path nothing nothing) (isOfHLevelLift 1 isPropUnit) x w
isProp-nothing≡x (just _) p _ = ⊥.rec (¬nothing≡just p)

isContr-nothing≡nothing : isContr (nothing {A = A}  nothing)
isContr-nothing≡nothing = inhProp→isContr refl (isProp-x≡nothing _)

discreteMaybe : Discrete A  Discrete (Maybe A)
discreteMaybe eqA nothing nothing    = yes refl
discreteMaybe eqA nothing (just a')  = no ¬nothing≡just
discreteMaybe eqA (just a) nothing   = no ¬just≡nothing
discreteMaybe eqA (just a) (just a') with eqA a a'
... | yes p = yes (cong just p)
... | no ¬p = no  p  ¬p (just-inj _ _ p))

module SumUnit where
  Maybe→SumUnit : Maybe A  Unit  A
  Maybe→SumUnit nothing  = inl tt
  Maybe→SumUnit (just a) = inr a

  SumUnit→Maybe : Unit  A  Maybe A
  SumUnit→Maybe (inl _) = nothing
  SumUnit→Maybe (inr a) = just a

  Maybe→SumUnit→Maybe : (x : Maybe A)  SumUnit→Maybe (Maybe→SumUnit x)  x
  Maybe→SumUnit→Maybe nothing  = refl
  Maybe→SumUnit→Maybe (just _) = refl

  SumUnit→Maybe→SumUnit : (x : Unit  A)  Maybe→SumUnit (SumUnit→Maybe x)  x
  SumUnit→Maybe→SumUnit (inl _) = refl
  SumUnit→Maybe→SumUnit (inr _) = refl

Maybe≡SumUnit : Maybe A  Unit  A
Maybe≡SumUnit = isoToPath (iso SumUnit.Maybe→SumUnit SumUnit.SumUnit→Maybe SumUnit.SumUnit→Maybe→SumUnit SumUnit.Maybe→SumUnit→Maybe)

congMaybeEquiv :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   A  B  Maybe A  Maybe B
congMaybeEquiv e = isoToEquiv isom
  open Iso
  isom : Iso _ _
  isom .fun = map-Maybe (equivFun e)
  isom .inv = map-Maybe (invEq e)
  isom .rightInv nothing = refl
  isom .rightInv (just b) = cong just (retEq e b)
  isom .leftInv nothing = refl
  isom .leftInv (just a) = cong just (secEq e a)