Mini-workshop on internal methods

Augsburg University
December 12-14, 2022

Other SAG meetings

This website contains information on the mini-workshop on internal methods for differential and algebraic geometry.

Preliminary schedule

All talks are in Building L, room 2006 or 2004.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday
10:00 'Reception' Room 2017A Talks/discussion Talks/discussion
11:15 Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:15-15:00 Talks/discussion Talks/discussion Talks/discussion
15:00-17:00 Talks/discussion Talks/discussion Relaxed end + Christmas party
18:30 Workshop Dinner


Topic Speaker Day
Introduction to HoTT Fredrik Monday
Introduction to the internal language of a topos Matthias Monday
Modalities and truncations Lukas Tuesday
The Zariski topos and synthetic quasi-coherence Matthias Tuesday
Synthetic schemes, projective space Felix Tuesday
H⁰(ℙⁿ,R) Matthias Wednesday
Cohomology of synthetic schemes Felix Wednesday
The internal-external language? Ingo Wednesday

Talks that didn't happen:

Title Speaker
Formal Smooth Sets Felix


Ingo Blechschmidt University of Augsburg
Matthias Hutzler University of Gothenburg
Felix Cherubini University of Gothenburg
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg University of Strathclyde
Lukas Stoll University of Augsburg
Nicolas Beck Freie Universität Berlin
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen University of Augsburg
Fabian Endres University of Augsburg
Alexander Gietelink-Oldenziel University College London
Maximilian Alexander Kaske University of Augsburg
Giacomo Cozzi University of Augsburg

Finding and getting to places

First of all: Google maps does not work for public transport in Augsburg.
You can use this page, to figure out how to use public transport.

You can take tram 3 to get from the train station to campus.
The mini-workshop is in the building L (L1 on the map):

The workshop dinner will be at the Indian restaurant Sangam: